Youtube Stream:
CRX (Commodore Retro eXpo) starts Friday October 1st!! To see the free live stream event click on the youtube link here:
Bit-Scape: Miami - the Commodore chipmusic showcase starts Saturday October 2nd, during CRX day 2 starting at 5pm (Pacific) and 8pm (Eastern) US time. If you are watching outside the US, please check our timezone chart for your country:
And if your attending Bit-Scape please visit our Facebook page and click "Going"!! See you there!!
Here is the artist setlist: Electric Gypsy / Sajtron / Wagner Fulco / Tree Wave / Jeff Gregory / Ray Manta / cTrix / Mibri
More info on CRX Commodore Retro eXpo!!
Also, join our Discord CRX Server..this is where the party is at during the livestream.
All Bit-Scape artists will have their own chat rooms where they will be doing Q&A!!